Saturday, June 26, 2010

What They Don't Teach at School

I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school.

They don't teach you how to love somebody.
They don't teach you how to be famous.
They don't teach you how to be rich, or how to be poor.
They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer.
They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind.
They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying.

They don't teach you anything worth knowing.

-From Rose Walker's Journal,
The Sandman Comics by Neil Gaiman

And after years and years,we pay our schools thousand of pesos just to give us a piece of paper.

The stupidity. Well, I see that in today's society that piece of paper counts for something. Anyway, let's talk something sensible, like how addicting is the internet. Well we can just hope that somehow life can be as addicting the net.

I don't have anything much going on personally, except, I hope to watch movies this next few days. An unofficial vacation has been granted to me due to my chicken pox. Well, how weird is that. It's annoying really. *sigh* You gotta stop thinking about the scars on your face after this fiasco ends! Mental note to myself, that is.

At first, I was prepared to use violence and any means necessary just so I can escape the doctor. When I was just by the doctor's door, I even imagined taking the money for the trip and running off in the opposite direction. It wasn't really horrible. Make yourself dumb and lower your iq( not that hard for me ) so that you can take the humiliation and embarrassment that a visit to the doctor entails.

Really now, I have to miss my classes for a week. Not really looking forward to the catching up afterwards. Think of all the handouts i'm gonna swim - I mean skim. Reading copious amount of information and retaining it is a skill I frankly need tuning.


  1. don't worry part! what's the use of partner if she's not gonna help in any way? ♪i am your partner! i'm gonna back you up when someone's shooting at you!♪ haha! did i get that right? get well soon part! we'll miss yah here!;)

  2. thanks part! I remember the miss conngeniality 2 song...

    /you ARE my PARTner. You HAve to Back ME up, when someOne's Shooting at me/

    was that right. I fear that I have a fever again and you'll laugh at my face right now. I look hideous. But then again, I always are. Sigh. I'll be right back at ya parts.
