Next time I'll be braver
I'll be my own savior
When the thunder calls for me
I never really needed anybody. Never really thought I needed to ask for help. Never really thought that what I'm doing might not be enough.
I was so wrong.
Anyway, here's my new wallpaper. Oh, Photoshop how I missed you!
1280 x 800. Used the image of Dean Winchester in Faith, Episode 12, Season 1.
"I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot."
Quote from The Battle of Evermore by Led Zepplin.
Huntre's the name of my laptop.
Yep, I name the things I own. Not because they have personality but because they get angry when I call them Baby.
I'm feeling my way again in Photoshop. I'm relearning again. I wanna stay up all night but sleeplessness makes me act like a 5-year old kid with an ADHD on a sugar high.
The mosquitos they like me. They like me so much they're kissing my feet. (reality: me = mosquito dinner)
I have wanted to be a graphic designer/animator since when I was old enough to read that article on Animation on our big old encyclopedia. I really can't see myself happy and efficient in any other career or job other than relating to computers and graphic designing. But I maybe it's just me and my computer addiction.
My life feels like a dream. And like all dreams they end when you wake up. I feel like I'm waking up, to this realizations that has been seeking my attention for years. I'm facing up to them, to this, really. I have no excuses.
Graphika Manila, I'll see you next year. Bad timing.

1280 x 800. Used the image of Dean Winchester in Faith, Episode 12, Season 1.
"I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot."
Quote from The Battle of Evermore by Led Zepplin.
Huntre's the name of my laptop.
Yep, I name the things I own. Not because they have personality but because they get angry when I call them Baby.
I'm feeling my way again in Photoshop. I'm relearning again. I wanna stay up all night but sleeplessness makes me act like a 5-year old kid with an ADHD on a sugar high.
The mosquitos they like me. They like me so much they're kissing my feet. (reality: me = mosquito dinner)
I have wanted to be a graphic designer/animator since when I was old enough to read that article on Animation on our big old encyclopedia. I really can't see myself happy and efficient in any other career or job other than relating to computers and graphic designing. But I maybe it's just me and my computer addiction.
My life feels like a dream. And like all dreams they end when you wake up. I feel like I'm waking up, to this realizations that has been seeking my attention for years. I'm facing up to them, to this, really. I have no excuses.
Graphika Manila, I'll see you next year. Bad timing.

Now darling, you're born, get old and die here
Well that's quite enough for me,
We'll find our own way home somehow.