....currently eating nissin WAFERS...
while my supposedly study partner lies sleeping in the bed beside me. I said to our matron that I'm working on my paper but really I was just surfing the FB and researching some. I'm gonna work on it after...yamato nadeshiko shichihenge.
i'm researching the different legal forms and documents on the net. Really this things are interesting and funny if you have the right humor, or the wrong one. It's just so complicated and simple at the same time that it pains me to say that i cannot still make one without a guideline or format to copy.

oops. almost forgot that this is supposed to be a "visual artist's" page now. So i uploaded that pic up there which is a wallpaper that i made (1280x800) instead of typing a paper due Monday. aaaanyways, let's have some fun day.
it's already day because it's almost 1 and im still up. I know I had a busy day, but who wants to know? certainly not you, of course. SO, would you like to have a life, but can't? Would you like to have all that you want and desire and need? Would you like to spend the rest of your life in peaceful solitude? Or would you like to die here and now?
You don't need to answer those questions and you don't even need to read them. But I just want to make a point. POINT.
Life is short. It's so short that the realization of it's shortness had almost led me to a depression. Life, i thought, is so short, that mine is so insignificant and so worthless and all but why do i continue living? Life, i thought, is supposed to be lived, not the way you want it, not the way your parents want it, not the way your lover want it, not even how God want it. I say this not because I'm an atheist or a pagan, but because I believe in freewill and in choice and in life. But do YOU believe in life? That life is so short to be wasted on trifles and trivialities. I do not acknowledge birthdays...know why? because they signify that you are closer and closer to death's door. And i do not like to be reminded in such an ironic manner like a birthday party. I just plainly hate birthday parties...especially mine.
So, i just feel like im really really wasting my life and i hope you don't feel or do it. I have regretted things that i should have done and shouldn't have, so please you shouldn't be like little ol' me. LIVE life. Because if there's one thing Anime taught me that is universally moral and can be uttered in public without embarrassment that is that: Life is SHORT. as short as a tear drop. as short as a fly's wing. as short as a whisper in the dark. as short as a sigh of a dying man. as short as a kiss of goodbye and as short as a laugh of sorrow.
all of us, we will die, but let's not forget to live and cry, laugh and smile for life is not about what you are doing, but what have you done.